Pavement Late Model #16


Pavement Late Model #16

Sharp looking Pavement Late Model artwork, we use it for shirts designs mainly and also for stickers and some more. This is a very detailed illustration of a Pavement Late Model in action showing the left side of the car. That can be used on a custom base for any kind of shirt designs & more. We created a very easy understanding files where you can add or remove layers of this artwork. We created every artwork using the red color to make it easier to change every details that you can see.

You will be able to change the colors real quick by using your favorite designer software. We provide multiple vectored files. Using Fast Racing Grafx designs will make your life easier and you’ll be able to get your customers happy with a faster time creation. This take about 14 hours to get it done, let’s make a jump start on your next project using this illustration ready for you to be used!

It’s time to upgrade your skills!!

We suggest to use this graphics designs for:

  • Racing Shirt Designs
  • Racing Stickers
  • Logos
  • Hero Cards
  • Signs
  • Social Media Template & more!

All those files are include with this illustration: